Areas of Carson National Forest
June 23 - 28, 2016
Once again I used the excuse of a New Mexico Volunteers For the Outdoors (NMVFO) project to launch my camping trip. The project was trail work for the National Forest Service on Friday through Sunday. We would be headquartered at Agua Pietra Campground near Tres Ritos, NM. After the project I thought I'd explore areas of the Carson NF that I had not seen before. I would return home hopefully before the July 4th crowds ascended to the cool mountains.
Don't forget to click on any photo to view a larger version.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
I couldn't wait to get out of town. It had been so hot and it was a trial getting the camper loaded and ready for this trip in the heat. I headed north on I-25, took the relief route around Santa Fe and gassed up at the Indian Casinos. I turned onto
The High Road to Taos, NM-503 at Pojoaque Pueblo (pa-walk-ee), headed for Chimayó (chee-my-OH). I stopped for lunch at
Rancho de Chimayó and had a very tasty combination plate. I don't usually take a picture of my lunch, but it was too wonderful.
Delicious combination plate served on the terraced patio with real honey for the sopapilla in the little bowl. |
After lunch I visited
Sanctario de Chimayó, a historic church and mission. I took some photos, but it was so hot I didn't stay long. Photography inside the buildings is not allowed.
Santuario |
Santa Niño Chapel |
Historical Marker with a little history |
Overview of the compound |
Many folks have left offerings at this small shrine. |
The old Vigil Store |
Agua Prieta
I arrived at the campground just behind the group leader and her friend. Camping for us volunteers was not in the campground proper, but we were given access to a meadow behind the livestock corrals. I was asked not to set up my camper until the cooks arrived as the cooks always get first choice for their camping spot. The volunteer cooks drove up about a half hour later and decided where they would camp and where the best kitchen set-up would be. They were very accommodating and let me snuggle my camper up next to theirs in the level area. I helped to erect the kitchen shelter then set up my camper. A few other volunteers came in before evening. We were on our own for this evening's meal; breakfast would be furnished Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; and dinner Friday and Saturday nights.
NMVFO project campsite |
Kitchen Shelter just after we set it up and before the cooks moved in supplies.
The cooks were staying in the older pop-up camper next to my modern unit. |
Friday, June 24th
It rained fairly hard overnight, or at least it sounded like it on my aluminum roof, but the morning was clear and sunny. After breakfast we gathered to hear the safety and orientation talk by the forest service. We were to be in a couple separate groups with FS employees leading each one. We gathered tools and hard-hats and climbed into FS vehicles to be driven to our assignments.
Craig Saum (left) gives the orientation and safety lecture. Those standing on my side of the circle are not in the photo. |
I really should have taken more photos of the trail work. I carried my phone only for that purpose, but only took this one atypical shot.
Working on a creek crossing. After a diversion was built to keep the creek off the trail a section from a large deadfall tree was cut and laid across the water. |
We worked the Agua Sarca Trail. It was quite beautiful, climbing through the forest and meadows with lots of wild flowers blooming. Beside "tread work" I learned how to use the 2-person saw. Craig, the trail maintenance supervisor, was our leader.
Several Colorado Columbines were growing next to the trail. |
We returned to camp with time to clean up and sit a few minutes before dinner.
Saturday, June 25th
Another full day of trail work. This time on the Comales Trail. Today I did mostly "brushing" - trimming branches and removing small trees (mostly aspen) from the trail. There was a section where we stacked and rearranged rocks to keep the creek in its bed and not running down the trail. Another lovely trail, though not as many wildflowers. Jenn, who leads the Taos band
Naturally Magenta, was our leader - she was full of energy and had a great sense of humor.
Sunday, June 26th
We only put in a half-day today on the trail. I was again on Jenn's crew. I think we worked the Tio Maes Trail, but I may be wrong. I did mostly tread work and only a little brushing. I also did a little rock stacking to direct a small brook off the trail. Then we rode back about noontime to Agua Pietra to break camp.
Rio Chiquito
After helping to break down the kitchen, I broke camp and headed back west on NM-518 which becomes the highway to Taos.
The view looking toward Taos from the "high road." Looks like rain farther north. |
I descended to almost Ranchos de Taos where I turned east on FR-437. This dirt road, "Not Suitable for Passenger Vehicles," follows the Rio Chicquito up into the heart of the mountains. The road was actually in very good condition except for one "puddle" that was about 20 feet in diameter, a foot deep, and with a muddy bottom, but I was able to get through in 2WD.
I saw a couple beaver dams on the way up and the road to the old campground, which still shows on some maps, is closed and the access road was blocked by a large berm. A hiking trail continues along the river. I did find a lovely campsite near the Rio Chicquito next to a large meadow and set up there. To find the area, where the forest road turns away from the creek and heads uphill, instead follow the spur that continues along the creek.
My campsite along the Rio Chiquito |
I was tired and my feet were sore, so didn't hike up the canyon, rather I sat in my comfy camp chair in the shade listening to birdsong and waiting for them to appear for their portraits. I didn't get any great photos, but passed a lovely afternoon and evening in this beautiful spot.
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Ground squirrel in a little meadow across the creek |
Rio Chiquito |
Monday, June 27th
I took a brief walk around the meadow, taking a few wildflower photos, before packing up and returning to FR-437.
Prairie Smoke across the meadow |
A close-up of the plumes that give Prairie Smoke its name |
My camp at the edge of the meadow |
More wildflowers |
The road up the hill was OK, but looked like it would be sketchy early in the season or when wet. I saw I magnificent bull elk with a full rack, but he bolted before I could pick up my camera. The road also crossed the Divide Trail, popular with hikers, runners, and mountain bikers.
Red River
I made it out to US-64 and headed east to the village of Eagle Nest. I had intended to have breakfast at Cowboy's Corner, as I had on other trips, but it was closed - seems he cannot get help for breakfast, so is only open for lunch. Therefor, I turned off on NM-38 and drove to Red River. In this ski and resort town I saw only two cafes that were on open on Main Street. I chose the one that had a parking space in front and was that ever a lucky choice.
I asked my waitress if the Huevos Rancheros were authentic New Mexican, as I knew a larger portion of the tourists to Red River are from Texas. She said they were, so I rolled the dice. Wow! They were excellent! Some of the best I have ever had. Though not exactly super-authentic, instead of a single tortilla under the eggs, the cook had placed two tortillas with cheese between - yummy. If you are in Red River stop at
The Old Tymers Cafe. When I mentioned I would promote them in my blog, one of the waitresses said "Tell them about our pancakes. We are well known for our large pancakes" and held her hands about 12" a part. And so I have.
Cabresto Lake
From Red River I drove up FR-597 - the road is not marked as such in town, look for Mallette Road. This somewhat steep and windy road leads to FR-134, but was in very good condition.
This is the view after the road from Red River crests the top. |
From there I explored FR-134 northeast to Lagunitas Saddle, there were only a couple dispersed sites along the way. There were primitive roads to various nearby locations from the crossroads, which looked popular with the ATV crowd, but I turned around to drive to my destination, Cabresto Lake.
You turn off onto FR-134A to
Cabresto Lake. It is a steep 4WD drive road, but fine for high clearance vehicles. Watch for ATVs traveling fast downhill. It seems the lake is a popular destination for these 4 wheelers. Although it is a National Forest Campground, that is stretching the term a bit. Mostly it is a flat parking area for those fishing the lake or the aforementioned ATVs. This is also the trailhead for the Lake Fork Trail #82, so those folks park here, too. The parking area has one picnic table.
There are three other camping "sites." The two closest to the lake are not at all level, the one a bit farther away is only somewhat un-level. Nonetheless I was determined to camp with a view of the lake, so chose the site with a view that, although it was on a severe incline, did not tilt to the side. I used all 20 of my leveling blocks on the rear wheels and the camper still sloped. However, as I like to sleep with my head higher than my feet, I was OK.
My campsite looks fairly level as the camera is pointed downhill. Note all the leveling blocks under the rear wheels. |
I was going to hike up the lake trail after I set up, but an afternoon thundershower came before I could get going. I sat in the camper and read, and started writing this blog post. After the shower was safely over, I gathered my photography gear and set out.
Caberesto Lake. The trail is on the left, cutting through the slide area. |
The Lake Fork Trail starts out at the northwest end of the parking lot, skirts the lake, then follows the creek up the canyon. It is gorgeous! One of the most beautiful trails I've walked since I've had my camper. There are not the breathtaking views that many Colorado trails provide, but the trail itself as it follows the creek, though the trees and flowers, is delightful. I was told by the ranger who headed the trail maintenance crew that many backpackers take this trail up to Heart Lake, then loop back around via Trail #85 along Bull Creek.
Lake Fork Trail as it enters the canyon. |
This butterfly probably hatched last season and is just about at the end of its life. |
Wildflowers lined the trail. |
Lake Fork Creek was a rushing torrent. |
Lake Fork Trail |
Here the trail flows along side part of the creek. |
After I returned from my 2-1/2 hour hike, I set up my chair above the lake shore hoping for a colorful sunset to reflect on the water. I didn't get the red, orange or yellows of the hoped for sunset, but enjoyed the blues as evening settled in.
Evening photo of Cabresto Lake |
Here is my evening photography set-up and chair. |
Actually, you shouldn't be discouraged to camp at Cabresto Lake, especially if you're in a camper. Go ahead and camp in the level parking area up next to the hillside and spend your day hiking the beautiful Lake Fork Trail. When you return, your camper will be in the shade, the ATVs will be long gone, and those who've been fishing will be leaving. You will likely have the place to yourself.
On the other hand, there were quite a few dispersed camping areas along FR-134 the first couple of miles east of the turn-off to the lake, many not far from the creek. They do look like they see heavy use, so be cautioned in that regard.
Tuesday, June 28th
I decided to simply pack up and drive into Questa for breakfast, as it is only about 8 miles. Turned out, however, the only real cafe in town was closed due to equipment problems. The owner directed me to the Chevron station on the south edge of town. What?! Yeah, that's what I thought. Turns out there was an actual grill/kitchen in the station run by a little, Hispanic lady. She cooks up your breakfast to order. It's called
Banana's Take Out Grill, but there is a small area to sit and eat with several tables. I don't know what all is on the menu as I didn't bring in my reading glasses, but the breakfast burrito I ordered was very good and huge! So good I joined Yelp just so I could give them 4 stars.
Valle Vidal Unit
From Questa I drove north on NM-522 to the town of Costilla, just south of the Colorado border. At that tiny village I turned southeast on NM-196 toward Amalia. Somewhere past Amalia the road becomes FR-1950 and leads to the
Valle Vidal Unit. The road runs though private land until you get to Valle Vidal. You can camp along the creek if you get a $20/car permit from the Rio Costilla Park office. It is a very pretty area.
Approaching Valle Vidal from the west. Costilla Creek, hidden by brush, on right. |
Entering Valle Vidal Unit |
Valle Vidal is a 100,000 acre tract that was once the playground of the rich and famous, such as Herbert Hoover, Douglass Fairbanks, and Cecil B. DeMille. The entire area was donated to the people of the United States though the Forest Service by Pennzoil in 1982. It is now managed to enhance opportunities for wildlife.
View up FR-1900, a side road that follows Costilla Creek |
Looking back along main road and interesting rock formations. |
The entire eastern half is closed in winter to protect the large elk herds; the western half is closed in spring as an elk calving area, though the designated though roads are open year-round (weather permitting.) No vehicular camping is allowed in the unit, though there are two campgrounds. Backcountry camping is allowed on foot or horseback in those ares that are not closed for elk protection and both campgrounds have corrals for horses, which use seems to be popular. The Cimarron Campground is located among fir and spruce; the McCrystal Campground is at lower elevation in a Ponderosa pine grove.
Looking SW toward Mt. Wheeler (which is not within Valle Vidal), the highest point in New Mexico |
As I pulled into the Cimarron Campground to check it out I thought I was looking into a mirror. There was a silver, extended-cab Tacoma with a FWC camper right in front of me. They had fancy after-market bumpers and an Eagle, not a Fleet, but otherwise my twin. They were as pleasantly surprised as I was. I pulled over to meet Jay and Kay who were in the middle of a long sojourn across the country. We probably talked campers, traded tips, and admired each others modifications for the better part of an hour. Good fun. I provided recommendations for the areas they were planning to visit the next week.
I stopped at Shuree Ponds for photos and hoped to find dragonflies, but was disappointed in the later goal. I exited Valle Vidal by continuing on FR-1950 to the southeast through part of the Philmont Scout Ranch to US-64. From there I took NM-58 to I-25 and headed south toward home.
Looking across the big Shuree Pond at thunderstorms developing to the south. |
On the recommendation of the NMVFO project leader I stopped in Pecos, NM for dinner. Apparently, it is now a thing for there to be quality, cook-to-order food in gas stations in NM. Is this true other places? If so, let me know in the comments.
Pancho's Gourmet To Go is located in the Shell Station in the center of Pecos. I got the roast beef and green chile burrito. The beef was as tender and juicy as any brisket I've had - delicious.
Will a full stomach and a song in my heart, ha-ha, I headed back to the freeway and home.
Thanks for joining me on this little journey.
Bill, I believe that this is the prettiest area you've visited! Others have been magnificent and I definitely love seeing the archeological sites.. but this trip seemed to have so many sweet little lakes, rios and creeks.. I guess I just like water! Haha.. Thanks for the lovely photos!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Claudie. I did get to enjoy some very pretty areas and everything up in the mountains was so green!
DeleteThanks Bill.I always enjoy your trips.
ReplyDeleteYou sure have some nice access to beautiful areas.
Thanks, Frank. Glad you enjoy the tales and the photos.
DeleteAs ever, Bill, wonderful and informative narrative and photos! Thank you so much for pitching in with your volunteer work!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ski. I always appreciate that you take the time to leave a nice comment!