
Monday, May 6, 2013

McKittrick Canyon Photo Gallery

Photos to go with the "'Spring' in Southeastern New Mexico" post.

McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park

McKittrick Canyon Trailhead.
Click here for larger version.

Greater Earless Lizard enjoying the sun.

Interesting rock slabs entering the canyon.

Springwater Dancer damselflies in tandem.

Trail side picnic area next to Pratt Lodge spur.

Trail side flowers.

Picnic area panorama. Click here for larger version.

One of several beautiful trout in the canyon stream. The water was crystal clear, as you can see.
In retrospect I should have taken many more photographs. I did pause to gaze around at the amazing scenery, I just didn't think to take the pictures. I should especially have taken more photos of the more verdant parts of the canyon and of the stream. Sorry, guess you'll just have to go see for yourself, and I'll try to do better next time.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Wow Bill, the clarity of the stream is amazing! These are great photos. Makes me wich I were there! (Except for the 25 degrees!! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Claudie. Well, it wasn't 25 at GuMo, quite the contrary.

      I realized the stream was clear when I was there, but seeing the fish "suspended" above the ground really brought it home. Of course, it was only about 6 inches deep, too.


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